Product Description

By Working Smarter—Not Harder!

I was no different than most of you—I was unhealthy, hated my body, and was literally ashamed to go out in public. And like most of you, I purchased countless “programs” and literally “lived at the gym” for months on end…

And Like Most of You—My Progress Stopped After 2-3 Weeks and The Results I Wanted Never Materialized…

So, I decided to design my own exercise program and then post my results online to track my progress—AND THE RESULTS EXCEEDED MY WILDEST EXPECTATIONS!

As I continued posting my videos, more and more people—just like yourself—started emailing me and asking me to share my secrets! By the time my experiment was over, I had bona-fide “6-Pack Abs” in just 16 weeks and my videos had been viewed by more than 3 million people!

16 Weeks To 6-Pack Abs Produces Guaranteed Results By Synergizing 3 Main Components:

• Resistance Training
• Interval Cardio Training
• Supportive Eating

I have found tons of great resources focusing on ONE of these three main components—but NEVER have I found just ONE resource that really teaches you how to synthesize these three components properly and “fast track” results—and that’s why I created the 16 Weeks to 6-Pack Abs program!

16 Weeks to 6-Pack Abs is designed to show you EXACTLY how to synthesize Resistance and Cardio Training with a Supportive Eating schedule for MAXIMUM results in just 16 weeks or less—guaranteed or your money back!

No Gimmicks. No Short Cuts. No B.S. 100% “Photo Obvious” Results Or Your Money Back!

16 Weeks to 6-Pack Abs Includes:
  • 16 Workout/Exercise Vids Delivered Straight to Inbox Each Week: Unlike other exercise programs that overload your brain with too much info, we break the program into 16 easy-to-follow segments so you can get started immediately! Each video is ipod-friendly so you can take it with you on the go or you can also burn them onto DVD’s for greater convenience!
  • Complete Meal Plan: Don’t worry about trying to figure out the best foods to eat for maximum results—an entire meal plan and calorie counting tips are provided to help you every step of the way during the 16-week program!
  • Special Diet/Exercise Reports: To maximize results and help you truly attain the success you want and deserve, we also include several “special reports” during the program. These special reports are short, concise, and guaranteed to keep you on track to “Picture Perfect” abs in just 16 weeks or less!